
Filtering Query Language

Some resources support retrieval with filtering by way of a query parameter in the request URI. This section outlines terminology, field types, and syntax for requesting resources that support filtering.


A filter query clause consists of a field followed by an operator followed by a value. A keyword combines clauses:

Terminology Example
clause name:"DailyPay"
expression name~"ADP" AND name~"LLC"
field name
operator :
value DailyPay
keyword AND

Field Types

Type Description
string String values must be enclosed in double quotes. Double quotes within a string must be escaped with the \ character."`

Filter Syntax

The following table lists operator and keyword syntax that you can use to construct and combine clauses:

Syntax Usage Description Example
: field:value Exact Match operator (case insensitive) name:"DailyPay" returns records where name is exactly "DailyPay"
~ field~value Partial Match operator (case insensitive) name~"Daily" returns records whose name includes "Daily", such as "PaidDaily" and "DailyPay"
AND, and field1:value1 AND field2:value2 this filter returns records that match both clauses name~"Daily" AND name~"LLC" returns records whose name partially matches both "Daily" and "LLC"
OR, or field1:value1 or field2:value2 this filter returns records that match either clauses name~"Daily" OR name~"LLC" returns records whose name partially matches either "Daily" or "LLC"
\ "\" \"" Escape character for quotes within quotes description:"An \"earned wage access\" company

Exact match may accept multiple values separated by commas without whitespace.

Example: status:"IN_TRANSIT","PROCESSING","DEPOSITED" returns records whose status is one of "IN_TRANSIT", "PROCESSING", or "DEPOSITED"


Parentheses are used to group expressions together and control the order of evaluation. By using parentheses, you can create complex filter conditions that combine multiple criteria in a clear and unambiguous way. Here's how you can use parenthesis:

  1. Controlling Evaluation Order

Parentheses control the order in which expressions are evaluated. Without parentheses, the filter conditions are evaluated from left to right. Using parentheses allows you to specify the evaluation order explicitly.


GET /paychecks?filter=person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" AND (status:"DEPOSITED" OR status:"IN_TRANSIT")

In this example, the API will retrieve paychecks whose status is "DEPOSITED" OR "IN_TRANSIT" belonging to the person of specified id. The parentheses ensure that the OR condition is evaluated first, and then the AND condition is applied to the result.

  1. Nested Parenthesis

You can also use nested parentheses to create more complex filter conditions. By nesting parentheses, you can create intricate combinations of filtering criteria.


GET /organizations?filter=((status:"pending" or status:"active") and (name~"INC" or name~"LLC"))

In this example, the api will retrieve all organizations who are active or pending and whose name contains "INC" or "LLC"

Filter Fields for Accounts

Field Usage Type Allowed Operators
person_id person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" string :

Query Examples

Usage Matches
/accounts?filter=person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" [{ "person_link": "" }]

See Filtering Query Language for documentation on how to construct a filter string.

Filter Fields for Jobs

Field Usage Type Allowed Operators
person_id person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" string :

Query Examples

Usage Matches
/jobs?filter=person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" [{ "person_link": "" }]

See Filtering Query Language for documentation on how to construct a filter string.

Filter Fields for Organizations

Field Usage Type Allowed Operators
name name:"DailyPay" string : ~

Query Examples

Usage Matches
/organizations?filter=name:"dailypay" ["DailyPay", "dailypay"]
/organizations?filter=name~"daily" ["DailyPay", "Daily Pay", "The daily pay", "Daily Pay Corp."]
/organizations?filter=name~"The" AND name~"pay" ["The daily pay", "The DailyPay Corp.", "The Daily Pay Corp"]

See Filtering Query Language for documentation on how to construct a filter string.

Filter Fields for Paychecks

Field Usage Type Allowed Operators
person_id person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" string :
status status:"DEPOSITED" string :

Query Examples

Usage Matches
/paychecks?filter=person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" [{ "person_link": "" }]
/paychecks?filter=status:"DEPOSITED" [{ "status": "DEPOSITED" }]

See Filtering Query Language for documentation on how to construct a filter string.

Filter Fields for Transfers

Field Usage Type Allowed Operators
person_id person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" string :

Query Examples

Usage Matches
/transfers?filter=person_id:"aa860051-c411-4709-9685-c1b716df611b" [{ "person_link": "" }]

See Filtering Query Language for documentation on how to construct a filter string.